Article 3415

Title of the article



Kyurdzhiev Valeriy Aleksandrovich, Postgraduate student, North Caucasus Federal University (1 Pushkina street, Stavropol, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Rules of preparation of normative legal acts at federal executive bodies are the basis of legal regulation of law-making powers. Herewith, the variety of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies requires their approval in order to determine completeness and unity of approaches to preparation of normative legal acts at federal executive bodies. Improving the efficiency of standard-setting function of executive authorities at the federal level is largely due to the quality of preparation of regulations drafts, which become the basis and, in a certain sense, a benchmark for executive bodies of other levels.
Materials and methods. The research problems were solved by analyzing a variety of regulatory and legal acts regulating the rules of preparation of normative legal acts at federal executive bodies. The methodological basis of the research included general scientific and special methods of cognition. Special attention was given, inter alia, to formal and legal, structural and functional, comparative legal and systematic methods. On the basis of the formal-legal methods the author researched regulations and individual resources of the legal technique. The structural and functional method allowed to consider the organizational specifics of standard materials in texts of normative legal acts and revealed problems in preparation of drafts of various kinds of normative legal acts. Using comparative legal and systematic methods the author compared the rules of preparation of normative legal acts at federal executive bodies established by various regulatory acts taking into account their legal force.
Results. The researcher studied a group of normative legal acts and other documents establishing the rules of preparation of normative legal acts of federal authorities, analyzed the unity of approaches, fixed in different regulations, and the completeness of such rules of preparation.
Conclusions. The regulatory framework of rules of preparation of normative legal acts at federal bodies of executive power is distinguished by a diversity in terms of the legal force of such acts and specifics of preparation of different types of acts. A special place in determining the rules of preparation is taken by law instruments, which create ample capacity at discretion of a developer of a draft regulatory act. The established rules of preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive authorities need to be structured and brought to a single system.

Key words

rules of preparation of legal acts, normative legal acts, legal technique, executive authorities, preparation rules, powers.

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Дата создания: 08.06.2016 15:40
Дата обновления: 08.06.2016 17:09